When choosing a contractor a few questions answered could eliminate potential problems.  A business tax licenses and/or a business occupational license does not guarantee a business to be a Legitimate Licensed Contractor. And simply because a business is a member of the Better Business Bureau or advertises with a reputable service does not guarantee it to be a Certified, Licensed Contractor. By clicking the links below you can learn the qualifications of K C Screen and those of our competitors. We believe informed customers are the best customers.

To verify our qualifications select:

To verify the qualifications of any other business select:

In the event a homeowner hires an unlicensed, uninsured contractor, they should be aware that the homeowner is responsible for all liabilities up to and including property damages and injuries incurred by workers.

  • Contractor Verification: Certified contractors are Insured and State Licensed.
  • Building Departments: Call your City or County Building Department. Does the company you are choosing pull permits on a regular basis?
  • References: Ask for references from known contractors in your area.
  • DBPR:All reputable contractors are State Licensed and regulated by the Department of Business and Professional Regulations.

You can call State of Florida (850)487-1395; or visit their website Construction Industry Licensing Board.

Business Reporting Agencies: Any complaints or concerns listed?

WARNING! Signs of Unlicensed Contracting :

(H C P L A N) – Homeowner &Contractor PLAN

  • Homeowner required to pull permit.
  • Contractor works only weekends and after hours.
  • Proof of occupational license only.
  • Large deposits required before job starts.
  • Advertising with phone numbers only.
  • No contract in writing on Company Letter Head.

These are All Signs of Unlicensed Contracting

Hiring a unlicensed contractor:

According to the Florida Statute 455.288, if you hire an unlicensed contractor the Department of Professional Regulations may issue a cease and desist order and may also take you to Circuit court, which has the authority to impose a civil penalty of up to $5000.00 for aiding and assisting unlicensed activity. You may also me liable for court cost.

Choosing a Screen Enclosure Contractor

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KC Screen, Inc.
Certified Specialty Contractor License Number: SCC056706